Dr. Megan Coffman is our primary associate veterinarian. She is from Randolph, KS, and joined our team after graduating from Kansas State University in 2019. She and her husband, Joe, live in White City with their 2 daughters and a variety of cats, dogs, and horses. Dr. Megan is particularly interested in preventative medicine, keeping your pet or herd as healthy as possible through diet, vaccination, and other tools.
Dr. Jessica Gernhard owns both Tri-County Veterinary Center and Animal Health Center of Marion Co. Inc. Dr. Gernhard grew up on a farm near Tampa, KS. After graduating from Kansas State University, Dr. Laurin practiced in southwestern Kansas for three years before coming back home. Her parents have retired from the farm and live near her at the Marion County Lake. She has two children. Her oldest, Anna, is a social media person working for Dairy Farmers of America. Her youngest, Jordan, is attending Kansas State University. After he graduates from bakery science, he is interested in working overseas for a few years.
If you have noticed a new face in our lobby,Kim joined our team as our receptionist in May 2024. She lives near Woodbine with her English Mastiffs. We are happy to have her on our team!
Valarie has been our receptionist and office manager for nearly 10 years now. She lives in Herington with Brutus the One-eyed Wonder Dog and Minerva T. Cat (her rescue pets).
Amy is our Registered Veterinary Technician. She graduated from Colby Community College. She has been a Technician since 2002 and has worked at Tri-County Vet Center since 2009. Amy assists with all aspects of small animal work. She also does BVD testing and is our inventory manager. Amy and her husband Eric live in Herington with their three children. They also have an assortment of beloved cats and dogs.
Hollie is our large animal veterinary assistant. She has been with us since 2010. Hollie is certified in Beef Quality Assurance and also does BVD testing. She and her husband Craig live in Herington with their three children and many cats.
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